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Minnesota Freeze

National Girls and Women in Sports Day

The Minnesota Morrigans have been invited to participate in the National Girls and Women in Sports Day festival at the Midtown YWCA in Minneapolis. This years festival is on Feb 2, 2005 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm. The Morrigans will be conducting clinics.


Minnesota Practice Changes

Starting July 31, Minnesota Footy practices will be held on Saturdays. The venue has also changed and practices are now located at the Northeast Athletic Fields in Minneapolis.

[ Map ]


Minnesota Footy Photos

Photos of the first practice for Minnesota Footy are online. The Minnesota Morrigans and Minnesota Freeze held a combined co-ed practice.

Minnesota Footy practices continue weekly on 1pm Sundays at the Lake Nokomis Athletic Fields in Minneapolis. Check the Morrigans page for updates.


Minnesota Women's Footy Kickoff

Minnesota Women's Footy will be kicking off at 1pm Sunday, April 4 at the Lake Nokomis Fields (50th & Cedar) in Minneapolis: [ Map ]

All you need to bring is cleats, water, and hopefully some friends. Expect to have a blast! New players are always encouraged. Contact Kathryn Hogg for more info.


National Girls and Women in Sports Day Clinic

Today was National Girls and Women in Sports Day and the Minneapolis YWCA held its fourth annual girls sports festival. Myself, Jemma Merrick, and Chad Perkins conducted an Australian Football mini-clinic.


Womens Footy Clinics

Womens Australian Football Clinics will be held in Minneapolis at the YWCA Midtown Sports Center as part of the National Girls & Women in Sports Day program on Feb 4, 2004 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Womens Footy Clinics

Womens Australian Football Clinics will be held in Minneapolis at the YWCA Midtown Sports Center as part of the National Girls & Women in Sports Day program on Feb 4, 2004 from 6:30pm to 8:30pm.

Clinics will also be held in the Phoenix Arizona area on Friday, Feb 6 (the day before the AZAFL Metro Footy tournament). Exact times and location will be determined later.


Playing by the (Australian) Rules - Pioneer Press

the 2nd half

Playing by the (Australian) rules

BY BEN GOESSLING, St Paul Pioneer Press

Maria J Acosta, Action Shots Photography

Plymouth's Kathryn Hogg, right, leaps for the ball during the first all-women's match of Australian Rules football in U.S. history on Oct 18 in Kansas City, Mo. Hogg played with the Orange County Bombshells against a team of women from around the country

Kathryn Hogg of Plymouth started playing Australian Rules football just recently, but she already has participated in the first all-women's match in U.S. history and hopes to start a Minnesota women's team by next spring

Oct 18 was a little unusual for Kathryn Hogg. She flew to Kansas City, Mo., met up with a team she had joined through an internet message board and played in the first all-women's match of Australian Rules football in U.S. history.

You know, just to try something different.

Hogg, a 40-year-old software engineer and sports aficionado from Plymouth, played with the Orange County Bombshells and took on an "all-comers" team comprised of women from all around the country in an exhibition match played at the United States Australian Football League men's national championship tournament.

Hogg hopes to have a Minnesota women's team up and running by next spring, and plans to have a game between an American national team and a side from Canada or Great Britain at the Atlantic Alliance tournament in Toronto next summer.

