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USAFL 2005 Nationals

National Championship Photos

Photos from Florida Fusion at the 2005 USAFL National Championships.


USAFL Women's Championships Update

The first USAFL women's championships will contested on Oct 1-2 at the USAFL 2005 Championships. Four teams have stepped forward to vie for the inaugural women's championship:

  • Atlanta Lady Kookaburras
  • Arizona/Philadelphia Lady Hawks
  • Milwaukee Lady Bombers
  • Florida/Baltimore-Washington/Seattle/Minnesota Fusion

There are still plenty of spots for additional women to round out rosters! Contact Kathryn Hogg if you are interested in playing.


USAFL Women's Championships

The United States Australian Football League will be hosting the inagural Women's Championship in Milwaukee, WI on Oct 1-2. We are planning on having at least 4 teams in the women's division. All women footy players are encouraged to play in this tournament even if you don't have enough women for a full team. We will find a team for you to play with!
