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South Baltimore Crossfit: Athlete Profile

South Baltimore Crossfit published a profile on Baltimore-Washington and US Freedom player Judith Stein.  The profile was originally published at

Judith is one of our most consistent athletes; come to the gym on a Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and you are 99.9% guaranteed to see her. She is determined, strong, and constantly looking for ways to improve herself! What you may not know about her is that she plays Australian Rules Football for the USA National Team.

In her own words:

What is Australian Rules Football (footy)?

Footy is the greatest sport ever!  It combines running, kicking and hand passing in a fast-paced game.  The really great thing that I have found about footy is that there is a place for everyone on the field, regardless of your weaknesses.  There is some position on the field that will really accentuate your strengths!

(Click here for a video showing footy highlights)

How long you’ve been playing?

I played my first game as an exhibition game in 2004 and at the first women’s division at Nationals in 2005. I’ve been at every Nationals since then.

How many years on the National team?

The first Freedom team was created in 2007 for a game vs. Canada in Vancouver.  Then, in 2009, the Freedom traveled to Australia for a tour and then, last year 2010, we played Canada again in Toronto.  Each Freedom team was selected for the specific game/tour and I’ve been selected for the National team 3 times.

What positions do you play?

I mostly play Full forward or center half-forward, but I’ve played all over the ground depending on the need. (Ed. Note: This means Judith scores a lot)  Click here to learn more about positions.

Now, footy is a contact sport, what injuries have you received over your 7 years of playing?

I’m afraid to put this in writing, but I’ve been very lucky.  I have some nagging things that hurt me and a few broken noses, but my ankle sprain this year was probably the worst because it would have kept me off of the field (well, probably not).  You can still play with a broken nose!

(Karen Note: On a scale of physical I would rate footy above soccer but below rugby, my scale may be biased)

(Troy Note: Professional Bull riding is in between Aussie Rules and rugby)

What is your favorite part of the game: TACKLING

Why are you passionate about footy: because it is Awesome!

We are having an all comers event  For more information check out the Baltimore-Washington Winter Clinic.

Please come out and find out more about this awesome game!

Also feel free to email me or drop a comment with questions for Judith!